Investing For Retirement Income - Part 1

Investing For Retirement Income - Part 1

Let's say that that by the time you retire, you have paid off your mortgage. What happens to the amount of money you have for home repairs when you retire? Start with how much money will you have to live on when you retire. Your Estimated Benefits Statement, which you can request on the Social Security website, gives you an estimate of what you'll get from Social Security; be sure to add in any additional savings and retirement plans you may have.

Wall Street- Many people that have put their life savings in the stock-market have been left with nothing. Retiree's have hung up their golf clubs and come out of retirement and baby boomers are looking for ways to build a secondary clkick here. Network marketing offers earning potential in a lousy job market.

If you'd like to self-employ yourself, first find something you enjoy doing - a hobby, an avocation, a 'desire to do.' - and then begin doing it. So, where does the money comes from?

In the process of answering these questions you'll create scenarios - a competitive baby boomer from the mortgage business is downsized and wants to know how to handle their 401k rollover. They find your website after a Google search. What do you want them to do and what information will they need to make those decisions?

One of the major stressors is money. A simple solution to this common stressor is a budget. Most people don't like the word budget, but budgeting doesn't have to be difficult. In fact, financial planning actually helps you save money.

Most of us think of the retirement age as being 65, but full benefits are not paid at age 65 for anyone retiring now. If you were born after 1937 the full retirement age is 65 plus some months up to those born in 1960. If you were born after 1960 the full retirement age is 67. Like me for example, I was born in 1959, so my full retirement age is 66 and 10 months.

That suggests that many boomers may be aging more slowly than previous generations because of healthy habits, such as less smoking and more exercise. Maybe 60 really is the new 50". A quality product in the wellness category, that can provide relief, prevention and is consumable, could make a huge difference to boomers.

Two - Expenses. A next sheet could be dedicated to expenses. You can analyse this up to any level, but the main idea is that you understand how many percent of your income is spend on normal and extra expenses, taxes and what percent is left for savings. In order to plan you need the get clear what percentages are dedicated to what category (see the next step). The financial plan stops here if there are no structural savings.

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